This blog was intended to be a new start to being twenty.
Well it's safe to say that so far nothing has really changed and i'm still as nineTEEN as ever.
That may be due to the fact that i am still nineteen for the next 12 days...
But still, I don't see much changing in the next 12 days as finals are sprinting towards me.
12 days until finals start.
classes end in 9 days.
I have 2 Terrorism papers to write,
1 Terrorism test to turn in,
1 Ethics paper to write (and a possible 2nd and last one assigned today)
2 and a half chapters of math homework due on the 8th
and due to a glorious update from mymathlab the program will be down on the 7th. all day.
1 math quiz (and another one on the possible horizon)
oh and a take home part of one of my finals is given on Friday and it's only worth 2/3's of my final grade.
And, I work every day this week. So excuse me if I overdose on dry shampoo and peppermint mocha's. I have lots to do and no time.
Oh and in typical fashion of my life, stats isn't taught online this semester. I'm wait-listing for a class but there are still three people ahead of me and tuition is due on the 11th. So I have a week to get in.
Here's to the real new start (after finals of course)!
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