Saturday, April 26, 2014


two weeks ago I ran away to Disneyland because it truly is the happiest place on earth. 

breakfast in downtown Disney the day after. 
It was really only a weekend trip. I got there Thursday night, went to Disneyland on Friday, we had a family "reunion" dinner on Saturday but we didn't bring our camera that day and all our phones died, and we came back on Sunday. My mom drove from Anaheim to the Bakersfield exit then I drove from there to Las Vegas then she took over until San George and then I drove all the way home. 

That night was when I decided to call things off with Tanner and I hung out with the boy. It was an interesting night to say the least. After it was all said and done, I was honestly more confused than ever. Here I have the boy I loved for the past two years telling me he wants to come back (again) and I have another really sweet guy who I can see a relationship with. I think I was angry for a minute because I was doing what he wanted me to. He told me to let this go and see where it takes us. I was scared to and when I did some one really nice walked in. I guess when I said "If we are meant to be then our paths will cross again" I didn't expect it to be so soon. I thought the earliest I would see him would be in August. IF that. Not four weeks after and certainly not a  WEEK after I met Tanner. But here I am. Blogging on his macbook on his favorite spot on his couch. Things certainly aren't the same and I don't think they ever will be again. 
Our break really matured our relationship and it's taken it to a whole new level of appreciation for each other. Maybe our new beginning is having a relationship as adults instead of us having to find a middle ground between high school and college. Now we're both equals. 

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